About me

I was drawn to the world of therapy as part of a personal search for meaning and truth. I see it as a unique way to provide yourself with a space that is yours, to tend to your needs. Life is often centred around duties to others, work, families and so on, and so this is a way of allowing yourself to focus on yourself instead.

I am an advocate of talking therapy as having the power to transform through making change, rather than trying to be ok with things as they are. Therapy gives you new insight into how you exist in relation to others and to yourself, such that you are better equipped to know how to live a more fulfilling life.

I have an interest in what it is to not feel ‘normal’. Many people struggle with wanting to be part of ‘normality’, yet in doing so lose faith in what it is that makes them who they are.

I find myself drawn to movement and physicality - I see the physical and mental as inseparable from one another. I’m interested in the growing field of research that looks at the impact of trauma on minds and bodies. Failure to address this can impair our ability to engage with and enjoy being in the world.

I have always been very attached to music. It has the ability to move me in ways that language doesn’t, and so it reminds me that communication is about more than just speech and language.

Therapy room in Highams Park